Justiz Community



Justiz and Awabakal Ltd enter into new partnership for Hunter Valley

Awabakal Ltd, the Newcastle and Hunter region’s Aboriginal medical service, is partnering with local Indigenous health service providers to offer improved disability support. We Care NSW and Justiz, will be providing Awabakal NDIS participants culturally appropriate specialised social supports. Find out more at https://www.awabakal.org/news/hunter-organisations-putting-aboriginal-health-in-aboriginal-hands

Aunty Elsie and Aunty Yeena from Justiz Community, assisting the Newcastle Aboriginal Community Collective (NACC) with Awabakal’s Covid-19 vaccines rollout

"Taking the clinic to the community is an opportunity for people to connect to services." The pop-up vaccination clinics were the first activation of the Newcastle Aboriginal Community Collective (NACC), a group which includes Warlga Ngurra, Justiz Community, We Care NSW, Muloobinba Aboriginal Corporation, Koiop Connect and Wandiyali Aboriginal Corporation.
Read more at the Newcastle Herald

Justiz Community Launches in the Clarence Valley

Justiz Community is an Aboriginal specific Registered NDIS Provider offering a range of supports to NDIS participants including the following: COS (Coordination of Supports; SIL/ILO/Short Term Accommodation (supported independent living options/respite); Activities of daily living (e.g., Cooking, cleaning, budgeting, attended appointments etc.); Social and community participation and more. Justiz Community will be launching/offering local Aboriginal NDIS participants culturally appropriate Social groups, across Yamba, Grafton and Maclean